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Reply to "Crime Tracker Guyana, since May 2015"

It appears that the bribe money was too small hence the arrest of this hapless idiot.


Man arrested after police rank rejects $30,000 bribe


A 34-year-old man of La Bonne Intention (LBI) got a rude awakening when his attempts to bribe a police officer at the Sparendaam Police Station resulted in him being arrested and placed in the lock ups.
Even more, he will face the courts for his costly mistake on Monday.
This incident will be a stark reminder that while bribery and corruption are issues that must be at the forefront of reforms, there are still honest and upstanding police officers determined to remain true to their duty of upholding justice.
The attempted bribery occurred on Friday last and was prompted by the man trying to secure the release of his relative, who had been earlier arrested for possession of cocaine.
According to reports, the relative was arrested after a stop and search conducted on his person, unearthed four grams of cocaine.
After being taken to the Sparendaam lockups, the man came to the station to negotiate for his release.
Employing cloak and dagger tactics, the man approached a Police Corporal and asked what he could do to secure his relative’s release, to which the Corporal reversed the question and asked him what he could do.
Heedless of the trap he was approaching, the man’s response was to offer the rank $10,000.
He was placed on the bench, warned and sent away.
However, he returned to the Corporal with the $30,000 which the Corporal received in the presence of other ranks.
Upon the Corporal enquiring what the money was for, the man indicated that it was to free his relative.
Here is where the man got the shock of his life. The police officer calmly counted the money, informed him that it is an offence to bribe an officer of the law and placed him under arrest.
