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Reply to "Crime Tracker Guyana, since May 2015"

The afc/apnu police should be there to protect, instead under this administration they are the thieves themselves. 


Wismar resident accuses cops of breaking into his home


Some ranks of the Guyana Police Force stationed in Linden are being accused by a Wismar resident of allegedly breaking and entering his home under the pretext of searching for guns and ammunition.
According to Nigel Sommersall of 67 ‘C’ Wismar Housing Scheme, he was not at home on October 5, 2015, when ranks visited his home and broke into it. “I was in de bush and they go by me house and break it and go in. They carry away money, household things, motorcycle and other things.”
Sommersall claims that the ranks removed $350,000 in cash, two DVD players, one 42-inch Flat screen TV, one equalizer, one amplifier, one cross over, one motorcycle and one Stihl 51 Chain Saw – a total value of $1.25 million.
Sommersall noted that the motorcycle was returned to him, but he is yet to receive the remainder of his belongings. He also noted that all the ranks were transferred from Linden, except one who was removed from the CID Department and is now in uniform. Sommersall claimed he saw the rank wearing his sunglasses. “I see he with me shades on”.
Sommersall claimed that as he was standing in the courtyard the rank spoke with him and begged him to “go light”. “You ain’t see that police who de talking to me just now? He had on me shades and now he begging me. He tell me it could cost him his job, so I must go easy.
“But I want back me things. They say they come fuh search fuh guns and ammunition. How they could go in me house and me ain’t deh home and carry away me things?”
Sommersall said that all he wants is for the police to return his things.

