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Reply to "Crime Tracker Guyana, since May 2015"

The afc/apnu bandits are ramping up their fundraising efforts for Christmas sporting. 


Bandits beat Sophia man for three hours during robbery


Armed bandits in the Sophia area continue their merciless rampage, this time beating self-employed farmer Deryck Halley before making off with his two Honda CG motorcycles, US and local currency among other items on Monday night.
For Halley, the ordeal, which lasted for close to three hours, will remain etched in his memory for life, especially since it was the second time in two years that he has suffered a similar fate.
And to make matters worse, the police showed up some two hours after the bandits left, with Halley claiming that he had tried to contact them at the Turkeyen and Sparendaam Police Stations as well as the Impact Headquarters at Brickdam shortly after the incident.
Recounting the ordeal yesterday, Halley who lives alone, told this newspaper that it was around 21:00 hours when he returned to his lot 14 North Sophia home and was confronted by the bandits.
“The place was very dark and I did not see them coming, but after I came off my bike and was about to open the gate, one of them placed a gun to my head and told me to open the gate,” Halley said.
But the men were impatient, as one of them lashed him to the head with a gun and grabbed the keys from his hand and opened the gate himself. The bandit even opened the door of the bottom flat of Halley’s house and dragged him inside.
Once in the house, they ordered him to remain silent and then began their merciless assault.
Halley said the men demanded cash.
“They want to know where the money was. ‘Wheh de money deh?’ they keep asking. I said I don’t know where the money deh. Then they say they gon kill me,” he recalled.
The men proceeded to rummage through a backpack he had on him at the time, grabbing his several bank cards and his New York City, Virginia State and local driver’s licences, along with other documents.
Halley said the men became frustrated at not finding any cash in the bottom flat, so they tried to drag him upstairs, but he held on to a rail for dear life, despite receiving a number of blows about his body.
“They keep telling me that they will kill me if they don’t get any money,” Halley recalled.
Eventually, one of the bandits went upstairs and after awhile, he came back with a bag containing valuables, all of which Halley cannot determine up to now.
The men continued to beat Halley while taking turns to go upstairs to search for more loot.
He said that eventually they found some cash—US$1500 and GY$2100. They also took away his two cellular phones.
Not satisfied, the men turned their attention to Halley’s two Honda CG motorcycles.
According to the victim, the men, who had already secured the key to the bike that Halley came home with, demanded the key to the other one that was parked in the yard.
He said that after grabbing that key, the men took him outside and ordered him to start the motorcycle.
Halley said he tried to be smart by turning off the bike’s gasoline supply in an attempt to stall them, hoping that someone would realize what was happening and call the police.
But eventually the men saw through his trick and after dealing him a few more blows, they started the motorcycle themselves and made good their escape.
Halley, meanwhile, went back into his home and tried to contact the police
“This thing went on till 12 o’clock. These men tie me up and although I tell them to take what they want, they kept beating me. The police was another story,” Halley lamented.
He said that the police eventually showed up at his home around 02:00 hours and took a brief statement from him.
“The police have not returned to examine my house properly…all the blood still left,” he said, indicating  at his blood-stained floor.
