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Bandits storm ECD supermarket

Three armed men carried out a brazen daylight robbery on Sunday at an East Coast Demerara supermarket.
The Odie Supermarket, Lot 3 Mon Repos Railway Embankment, is operated by Chinese nationals, one of whom was in the business place along with her staff and customers, when the men attacked. The incident occurred sometime around 15:00h.
According to information reaching Guyana Times the businesswoman was at the cash register tending to a customer when two armed men barged in. The third accomplice was already in the supermarket since he posed as a customer and bought a phone and cigarettes minutes before.

A staff related that after buying the items, the man went further into the supermarket and was seen on his phone, supposedly informing his accomplices to attack. At the time, there were three staff and four customers along with the businesswoman in the store.

The men held up the proprietor at gunpoint asking her to hand over all the money. One of them even jumped over the counter and disconnected the computer. The woman begged the men not to harm her after one of them said they should kill her.

The staff member further stated the bandits then turned their attention to the customers and other staff, ordering them to hand over their cell phones. This newspaper was told that the staff hid their phones after realising the men were taking everybody’s phone however they were not spared since they men took away the cash they had in their possession.
The bandits managed to take a quantity of cash from the register and a cell phone from one of the customers before escaping in a waiting car. That customer decided to give chase after the men but was forced to stop after the men discharged a round in his direction.

Persons in the area vented their concern about the brazenness of the bandits, pointing out that despite the business place laden with surveillance cameras they still carried out the act.
