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Gunmen cart off $1.7M from Lands and Surveys Commission

Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission in Durban Backlands, Georgetown

Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission in Durban Backlands, Georgetown

Two armed men on Monday morning pulled off a brazen daylight robbery on the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission in Durban Backlands, Georgetown, carting off $1.7 million.

Reports are the men, who were well-dressed, walked past the security at the front gate about 09:50h under the pretext of conducting a transaction at the finance department.

As they entered the building, they reportedly held up three female staff members attached to the finance section and demanded that they hand over the money. This newspaper was told that the gunmen then relieved the three women of $1.7 million in cash and cheques before calmly leaving the building.

It was not until the men left that an alarm was raised and the Police were summoned to the scene. Following their arrival, the Police conducted a patrol in the surrounding areas, but came up empty-handed.

An investigation is underway, and Police are looking at the possibility that the robbery might have been an inside job. When Guyana Times visited the Commission on Monday, the security related that staff members were on lunch at the time.

The Police had already visited and taken statements from the three females who were accosted by the gunmen. Several calls to the Lands and Surveys Commission for a comment on the robbery proved futile.

Meanwhile, persons who were working in close proximity to the Lands and Surveys Commission said that there were no alarms raised to indicate that there was a robbery nor did they see any unusual movements at the time the incident took place.
