The beat continues, redistribution of wealth as afc/apnu supporters continue to extract the toll from Indians as payment for 23 years of PPP rule.
Bandits duct tape, terrorise and rob Regent Street staff
In an ordeal that lasted about an hour, bandits yesterday carried out a daring daylight robbery on a Regent Street store. Staffers were reportedly duct-taped and terrorised.
Some time around 8:30 am, the staff of Klassic Kollections, located on Regent and Alexander Streets, were pounced upon by five unmasked men as they were reporting to work.
Based on reports, the perpetrators carted off $130, 000 and US$40 before fleeing the scene in a waiting car.
One staff member recalls opening the gate for a car which is usually parked in the store, to exit when the men – one armed with a gun – walked into the building, closed the door and ushered everyone to the centre of the building.
“They duct tape us, saying how they don’t want hurt us and how they only want the boss man money,” the teary-eyed woman recalled.
The woman said that she was too upset to recall how many staffers were present and everything that took place. However, she said that several persons were dealt blows to the head and other parts of the body.
The woman stated that after the men obtained the money, they boarded a “silver car” and fled the scence.
An Indian national, believed to be the owner of the establishment, refused to provide any additional information saying that they wished not to publicise the incident. He said this as he caressed the top of his head with a cotton rag.
Police investigations are currently ongoing.