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Reply to "Crime Tracker Guyana, since May 2015"

Police no where to be found as citizens have to fend for themselves under the Granger administration. It is well known that the bandits are supporters of the afc/apnu, so there is a conflict of interest as police turn a blind eye while the afc/apnu supporters rob citizens. 

Egg man’, employee fight off bandits


A BUSINESSMAN, his wife and an employee are lucky to be alive after armed men attempted to rob them at a traffic light located at the junction of Sheriff and Duncan Streets, Georgetown on Thursday.Proprietor of Eduns Egg Farm, Sidiq Edun, was visibly shaken at the scene as he told investigators what transpired. At the time of the botched robbery, Mr Edun was on his way to deliver eggs to a grocery store, which is located a short distance away.
The employee, who prefers to remain anonymous, related that at approximately 09:50hrs, the canter truck stopped at the traffic light and it was at this time they were confronted by two armed bandits on motorcycles.
However, Mr Edun, who was the driver, managed to drive away from the bandits, who then shot at the front windscreen of the vehicle.
According to the employee, one of the bandits confronted him in the passenger seat, and said, “Bigga don’t say nothing,” while attempting to take away a bag he had on his lap.
He further noted that the other bandit then went to the driver and demanded cash.
“With all wha I talking to he and pushing way he hand, I hear bam! As soon as I hear bam! Meh boss start driving the truck. I ain’t know what happen after then… but they cross the road and go through the street,” the employee said.
Police investigations are ongoing.
