25 homicides recorded in two months
– nine slain by bandits
Bandits killed almost as many people as those that died in disorderly murders during the first two months
of the year.
Police statistics released yesterday showed that 25 murders were recorded at the end of February last, as was the case in February 2015, when there were also 25 murders.
Nine of February’s murders were committed during robberies, five were domestic related, 10 were of the disorderly type, and one is so far undetermined.
Five murders have been recorded so far for March 2016. This includes the murder of a pensioner, whose bound body was discovered yesterday on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway.
This year’s robbery/murder victims include 49-year-old businesswoman Xiu Di Yang, who was shot dead by bandits who had invaded the family’s No. 57 Village, Corentyne Restaurant; businessman Patrick Mohabir, 42, chopped to death by intruders at his Corentyne, Berbice home; 49-year-old Anita Baichan, who burned to death in her home after bandits tied her up and set the building alight at Plantation Hope, West Coast Berbice, and Doodnauth Rajkumar and Dianne Chammanlall, who were chopped to death in their Lot 93 ‘A’ Bush Lot, Middle Dam, West Coast Berbice, home allegedly by a gang of drug-addicted young bandits.
Victims of domestic killings include: Bibi Zabida Khan, 41, who was stabbed and strangled in a trench at Zeelugt, East Bank Essequibo; Hafeeza Rohoman, 41, whose body was found in a canal at Helena, Mahaica,
East Coast Demerara, and Indrawattie Somwar, 39, hacked to death at her Corriverton, Berbice residence.
But the Force also recorded a 12 percent decrease in serious crimes at the end of Februrary last, in comparison to the same period in 2015.
At the end of last month, robbery under-arms decreased by four percent in comparison to the same period in 2015. The statistics indicate a nine percent drop in the number of armed robberies involving the use of firearms; while there was a four percent rise in relation to the number of armed robberies where instruments other than firearms were used by the perpetrators.
Police also recorded a 13 percent decrease in the number of reports of rape, with 48 reports at the end of February this year compared to 55 for the same period last year.
Break and enter and larceny and burglary reports decreased by 11 percent, while there was a 17 percent reduction in break and enter and larceny reports.
Also at the end of February last, police recovered 10 illegal firearms, including five pistols, four revolvers and a shotgun.
In relation to domestic violence, at the end of February, 473 reports were made from which 311 cases resulted.
During February this year, a number of persons have been charged for serious crimes.
These include Ron Morris of Little Diamond, East Bank Demerara, for trafficking in narcotics; Mark Calvan
of Pike Street, North Sophia, Leyland Archer of Pattensen, East Coast Demerara, and Troy Thomas of Patentia, West Bank Demerara for the illegal possession of firearms and ammunition; Ganga Kishna of North Road, Bourda, and Aviskar Bissoon of Enachu and Sheriff Streets, Georgetown, for murder; Saiad Khan of Good Hope, East Coast Demerara, Hale Forrester of Herstelling, East Bank Demerara, Affiba Yankana of Hadfield Street, Georgetown, Shun De Santos of East La Penitence, Georgetown, Joshua Joseph of West Ruimveldt, Georgetown, Kester McPhoy of Independence Boulevard, Georgetown, and Christopher Niles of Uitvlugt, West Coast Demerara, for separate incidents of robbery under-arms; and Colin Bailey of Vryheid’s Lust, East Coast Demerara, Sonia King of Parafaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara, and Trudy Samuels of Santa Mission, Upper Demerara River for separate incidents of murder.
In relation to traffic, 17 road fatalities from 17 accidents have been recorded at the end of February 2016, in comparison to 19 fatalities from 12 accidents for the same period in 2015. This is a decrease of 11 percent.
One child has died as a result of a traffic accident at the end of February this year, compared to seven for the same period last year.
Five pedestrians, three pedal cyclists, three motor cyclists, four drivers, a passenger in a motor vehicle and a pillion rider perished at the end of February.
Speeding was the cause of 10 of the 17 fatal accidents which occurred last month. Up to last Sunday, six more road users lost their lives.
Traffic ranks have made 11,783 cases at the end of February 2016. Of this total 4,080 were for speeding, 442 for driving under the influence of alcohol, 130 for using cell phones while driving and 379 for failing to wear seat belts.