Corentyne man shot dead, wife badly beaten by bandits
Gowchand Budhu of Lot 636 Topu Village, Nigg was shot dead by two armed bandits who stormed his home on Sunday evening around 20:00 hrs.
According to reports, the man was at home with his wife, Parbattie Budhu who was in the bathroom when the bandits came inside.
The distraught woman disclosed via telephone interview that she was coming out of the bathroom when one of the bandits struck her to her head. “When me come out, one ah dem lash me to meh head and me fall down and dem start lash me mo bad”. Parbattie said that she was losing consciousness but before she completely blacked out, she heard the sound of her husband running towards her direction.
The woman stated that when she regained consciousness, she was upstairs laying next to her husband who was already dead. She then began screaming for her immediate neighbour called “Nando”.
According to the woman’s son-in-law, Arnold Dewlal, he was at a religious function with his wife, Kamala Budhu when he received the news.
“When ah reach here, I see ah crowd of people and me ask what happen and dem seh bandit shoot meh father-in-law so meh ask dem way me mother-in-law deh and them seh she deh upstairs ah holler.”
The man then proceeded upstairs where he saw Gowchand on the floor covered in blood. “Me see the man lay down dead pon de floor with three wounds and blood all over he skin and me mother-in-law deh next to he wid she face full a ‘blood and mud”, the man continued. Dewlal stated that his father-in-law’s licensed firearm was lying next to him with one round intact.
Meanwhile the woman’s distraught daughter, Kamala Budhu, stated that her mother stated that the bandits did not demand any cash or jewellery.
According to reports, the bandits were only clothed in boxer shorts and face masks. According to police sources, a mask was recovered but no gun or shells were recovered from the scene of the crime.
The man was pronounced dead on arrival at the Port Mourant Public Hospital and is awaiting post mortem.
Parbattie Budhu, up to press time has been discharged from the hospital and is currently staying with relatives. Gowchand worked as a security guard at the Albion Primary School.
One person is currently in police custody as investigations continue.