Looks like Glen Lall got a new enemy as PNC bandits lash back at Kaiteur employees.
Bandits rob, terrorise family of Kaieteur News staffer
– $1M reward posted for arrest of perpetrators
Kaieteur News publisher Glenn Lall has posted a $1M reward for information that can lead to the arrest of three bandits, who terrorised and robbed the family of one of his staffers, after invading their Little Diamond, East Bank
Demerara home at around 03.00 hrs yesterday.
Victorine Narine and her two daughters, aged 26 and 18, along with her mother, were bound and placed to lie on the floor, while the robbers, armed with two handguns and a cutlass, ransacked their home.
The elder daughter was also struck in the face with a handgun.
The intruders, who also feasted on snacks and beverages, eventually escaped with an undisclosed sum of cash and jewellery.
Mrs. Narine’s husband, who is a Kaieteur News employee, was not at home when the attack occurred.
The robbers gained entry by prising out a grill from a window in the bottom flat of the two-storey property.
Victorine Narine said she was asleep in her bedroom when she was awakened by her eldest daughter’s screams. Mrs. Narine said that she immediately realised that intruders were in the house.
“I came out (of the bedroom) hollering, because I knew what had happened,” she said.
On running into the hallway, she was confronted by a masked man with a cutlass. Two other men with handguns held her eldest daughter and mother. They also brought the 18-year-old daughter from her bedroom.
She said that the robbers immediately ordered them to hand over their cell phones, and also disabled the landline. They then began demanding money and jewellery, while repeatedly asking about the whereabouts of “the man for the house.”
One of the robbers struck the eldest girl with his firearm. They then ordered the women, including the 18-year-old, to lie on the floor.
The men spent about an hour ransacking the rooms, and also eating, before escaping with money, jewellery, the victims’ cell phones and other valuables.
Detectives later lifted a number of fingerprints from the scene, but up to press time, had made no arrests.
In the wake of the robbery, Kaieteur News publisher Glenn Lall said that he was putting up a $1M reward for information that would lead to the arrest of the perpetrators.
He can be contacted on telephone number 624-6456, and assured that the identities of those providing information would be kept confidential.