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Reply to "Crime Tracker Guyana, since May 2015"

Looks like Lall is trying to stir up some controversy with a setup of a disabled grenade, the newspaper creating its own news when things slow. 

Grenade thrown at KN publisher’s vehicle


Police were last night summoned to the Kaieteur News Saffon Street offices after unidentified individuals hurled a grenade under a vehicle belonging to owner and publisher Glenn Lall.

The grenade near to the front wheel of Mr. Lall's vehicle

The grenade near to one of the front wheel of Mr. Lall’s vehicle

The incident occurred shortly after 22.00 hrs, and Mr. Lall’s vehicle, a Lexus, was parked on the western side of Saffon Street.
Mr. Lall and other staffers were outside the Kaieteur News building participating in a wake for Assistant Editor Dale Andrews, when a security staffer heard an unusual sound near Mr. Lall’s vehicle.
Thinking at first that someone had shattered one of the windows, the staffer checked the vehicle, but observed no damage. However, on checking the front of the Lexus, the staffer spotted the grenade lying near one of the front tyres.
The police were immediately notified.
At press time, demolition personnel were still to remove the device.
