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Reply to "Crime Tracker Guyana, since May 2015"

What improvement in crime as claimed by the pNC supporters? Indians continue to bear the brunt of the assault.

Belvedere gang prey on residents

Robbed: Zabida Ali

Robbed: Zabida Ali

Several residents in the Belvedere Corentyne area were mugged and relieved of personal belongings by men residing in the area.
The first incident occurred last Monday on 41-year-old Nalini Narine whose bag was snatched from her person while the woman was walking out her street. It was about 10:00 am.
Narine said that she saw two suspicious boys with bicycles coming towards her.
“When I see them coming, I move out of the way. The younger one passed and snatched my bag but I pull back and the other older one came and he wrenched it out my hand and they rode away.
“I start holler for help and this guy came with his car and we chased them for a good 10 minutes till they drop the bag and jump in the trench”. Narine stated that the muggers who were unmasked were seen in the area one day before another resident was targeted.
“These guys don’t care about anyone. They doing it in broad daylight.”
Another resident also suffered at the hands of the muggers. This time, 60-year-old Nazim Habil was choked and relieved of his bicycle while venturing to the community masjid last Thursday about 19:30 hours. The man said that he was accosted by the two men who demanded that he hand over his cash.
“One of them pull me off me bike and choke meh and holler ‘gimme all de money’ and me seh meh nah get none and them search up meh pockets and shove me down and go way with me bicycle.”
Habil stressed that although a report was made at the Police station, no progress has been made in the investigations.
“You can’t go station and mek report cause them nah do nothing. This thing overbearing. Everyday you ah hear that somebody ah get rob and nobody nah do nothing about it.”
Zabida Ali of Lot 3 B’ Belvedere road was relieved of $42,000 in cash by the said bandits. She stated that last Friday around noon, she was venturing to the Masjid when she noticed a suspicious man riding in circles. She said that the man stopped at a nearby shop before making his move.
“When he stop at the shop, he keep staring in me direction so I get frighten and start run like and when I run, I see he riding coming one full speed and he stretch out he hand and grab me purse and ride away.”
Ali added that an attempt was made to follow the man but that was aborted after he quickly disappeared into the Belvedere backlands.
The victims gave identical descriptions of the unmasked muggers who were riding the same bicycles and clothing when carrying out the attacks.
According to unconfirmed reports, three other residents were also attacked.
Commander of B’ Division, Ian Amsterdam, disclosed that investigations are being conducted into the incidents.
