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Bandits broke into vehicle of overseas-based Guyanese

An overseas-based Guyanese who recently returned home on vacation fell victim to the country’s current crime situation, after his car was broken into on Wednesday and an undisclosed sum of cash and other valuables stolen.
Reports are that around 14:00h, Dr Rudy Jadoopat parked his vehicle a short distance from the popular M&M Snackette in the vicinity of the Demerara Harbour Bridge, Peters Hall, East Bank Demerara and went into the Snackette to make a purchase when the bandit(s) struck.
Reports are that upon return, Dr Jadoopat found a window of the vehicle smashed and a number of items, including his cellular phones, cameras, important documents and an undisclosed sum of cash, along with other items missing.
It is suspected that the perpetrator(s) had been trailing the overseas-based Guyanese and as he stopped, the opportunity was used to break into the vehicle.
The police were summoned and have since secured the footage from surveillance cameras in the area, which they are reviewing for clues and the possible identities of the bandit(s).
