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Home > NEWS > N/A home of Grenada High Court judge burglarised
This New Amsterdam home of Judge Paula Gilford was burglarised
This New Amsterdam home of Judge Paula Gilford was burglarised

N/A home of Grenada High Court judge burglarised


THE Lot 55 Stanleytown, New Amsterdam, Berbice home of Grenada’s High Court Judge Paula Gilford, a Guyanese by birth, was burglarised during the early hours of Friday morning.Caretaker Prince Gordon has said the burglary was detected just after 06:00hrs, when he returned there and observed that a window on the northern side had been broken, allowing the perpetrator(s) access into the building. On checking inside, he said, he discovered that three antique wall mirrors and a quantity of carpentry tools were missing.

After crime sleuths had been summoned to the scene, Gordon made checks in the surrounding areas and discovered the mirrors concealed in a nearby clump of bushes, covered with tarpaulin. He is of the opinion that the thief/thieves may have experienced difficulty lifting the weighty booty, and had stashed same nearby before going in search of buyers.
No one has been arrested, but the window has since been secured.

Guyanese-born Justice Paula Gilford was admitted to the local bar in October 1998. She served as State Counsel in the Chambers of the Director of Public Prosecutions before holding the following positions: Legal Counsel in the Office of National Drug and Money Laundering Control Policy in Antigua & Barbuda; Principal Crown Counsel, Attorney General’s Chambers in Montserrat; Registrar, CARICOM Competition Commission in Suriname.
