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Gunmen storm, robbed Enmore supermarket

Gunmen stormed an East Coast Demerara Chinese Supermarket on Friday evening carting off an undisclosed amount of money and mobile handsets from customers.

Guyana Times understands that the men, one armed with a handgun, entered the supermarket located at Blossom Scheme, Enmore at about 20:00h.

As they entered, the perpetrators brandished their firearms demanding cash and valuables. The employees reportedly complied since they were fearful for their lives.

The gunmen then relieved the customers of their mobile phones and turned their attention to the cashier, who handed over an undisclosed sum of cash to the men who then escaped on foot. No one was hurt.

The Police were summoned but despite several patrols in the area, no arrests were made. Investigations are continuing.

This robbery comes mere hours after Lukpaul Sukhai, 37, of Foulis Housing Scheme, East Coast Demerara, was shot to the shoulder, when three armed bandits pounced on him and his employer upon their return from a city bank on Friday.

It was reported that Sukhai and his employer went to a city bank earlier in the day and withdrew a sum of money.

As they arrived home, a white 212 Toyota car drove up in front of the house and two men, one armed with handgun, exited and discharged a round at Sukhai, hitting him in his right shoulder.

After being shot, and with his employer still in the car, the injured man drove away from the scene. The bandits turned their attention to the businessman’s wife and relieved her of a bag containing $20,000 and a few pieces of women’s clothing. They then made good their escape.(Bhisham Mohamed)

