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Bandits pistol whip, terrorize mother and son during robbery


A woman and her 14-year-old son were gun-butted and robbed Thursday night, when three armed bandits gained access to their home through a verandah.
This was around 21:30 hrs, approximately 20 minutes after the woman’s husband left their Second Street Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara (ECD) home, to pick up a relative, who was staying a few villages further up the coast.
The victims are Hurman Ganpha, 14, and his mother, Carol (only name given). The men escaped with a camera, two cellular phones and an undisclosed amount of local and Canadian currency.
According to information, the gunmen used a ladder, which was left in the yard by construction workers, and climbed onto the verandah. The door was unlocked.
“My son was on the couch with his cell phone and I was in the kitchen when I saw an object in the house. Then someone started pointing a gun. I was going to scream and he hit me in my head with the gun and then he hit my son in his face with it,” Carol recalled.
She said that the men kicked her son and placed a knife to her throat, threatening to kill her if all the valuables were not handed over to them.
“They searched all the rooms and my son gave them all that he knew we had because they say they will kill me. When they finished, they were asking for gold but I didn’t had any to give. I had sold my gold because it doesn’t make sense you have it and can’t wear it,” the woman said.
She added that just as the men were about to leave, they cut a sheet and tied both her and her son. But they managed to untie themselves and called for help.
Carol believes that the men might have been sent to her home by someone who would have visited her place some time back and noticed the ladder.
“My sister came in the country and she went to a birthday party. My husband left to go and pick her up when these people come into my home,” she said. She added that the men were all masked and might have been waiting on her spouse to leave.
Investigations are ongoing.
