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Reply to "Crime Tracker Guyana, since May 2015"

Even the PNC supporters are victims as the police continue to deny that crime is out of control. Apparently Granger's criminal supporters can only hold out so long, they have gone back to robbing and killing to get their piece of the pie.

Pensioner Winston Forrester displays his injuries
Pensioner Winston Forrester displays his injuries

Pensioner shot, robbed of motorcycle


A PENSIONER who works as a security guard was Tuesday night shot and beaten by bandits who stole his motorcycle after he returned home at his Lot 1497 Westminster, Parfaite Harmonie residence.The man, 65-year-old Winston Forrester, who works at Courtney Benn Contracting, said after arriving home on his motorcycle CH 879 at 19:15 hrs he parked in front of his door.

“I parked my bike in front the door and I locked it and I hear foot step when I look around, I see two men behind me and one of them said, ‘give me the f@$king keys.’

“They beat me in my head and then they shoot me and beat me again,” Forrester recalled in anguished.

Adding that the two men were relentless and did not give him a chance to respond, Forrester said the men appeared to be in their twenties. He said one of the bullets entered and exited his left upper shoulder.

Forrester said the bandits were brazen and weren’t masked. He said at his age he is willing to work hard and the authorities and police should deal with youths condignly who are lazy and appear to be criminal elements.
