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Reply to "Crime Tracker Guyana, since May 2015"

Indians continue to bear the brunt of the PNC criminals attacks.

Bandits ‘dump’ driver after hijacking car


A 34-year-old man was beaten and kicked out of his own vehicle at La Parfaite Harmonie,

Vishal Harrichand

Vishal Harrichand

West Bank Demerara (WBD) on Monday night, after three gunmen had forced their way into his car.
The incident occurred around 22:00 hrs, on the eastern side of the Demerara Harbour Bridge.
Vishal Harrichand, a Schoonord, WBD resident, said that he had parked near the entrance to the bridge, waiting on his girlfriend when he was attacked by three men, who later made off with his silver-coloured Toyota Premio, PSS 5038.
Harrichand, who works as a driver with a construction company, said that the men beat and kicked him as he was driving to La Parfaite Harmonie—under their command.
“I was sitting in the car playing a game on my phone, with the two front windows down, when this person come from the back and place a gun at my neck and then two others come behind him. They forced their way into the car and told me to drive,” Harrichand said.
Scared for his life, the man said that he did as he was told.
He claimed that while driving, the men stripped him of his rings, chain, cash and even a few pieces of clothing he had purchased earlier and placed in his car.”
The bandits, who Harrichand said were all dressed in three-quarter pants, took him to an isolated area at the back of La Parfaite Harmonie and kicked him out of the vehicle before driving away.
The victim managed to get to La Grange Police Station where he made a report.
Harrichand said that while he is thankful for his life, he would like to have his car returned, since he recently purchased the vehicle and is still paying for it.
