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And the PNC bragging that serious crime is down.

Home > TOP STORY > Sleeping man brutally chopped by uncle

Sleeping man brutally chopped by uncle


A FORTY-FIVE-YEAR-OLD man who reportedly brutally chopped and maimed his 20-year-old nephew on Wednesday night, then hid in an attic (ceiling) was hunted down and eventually found by the police who took him into custody. The victim, Ivor Heeralall of Lusignan, East Coast Demerara, suffered multiple chops to the left side of his head and is currently warded at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH). Computer Tomography (CT) scans done, have determined that he suffered a fractured skull, fractured jaw and injury to his spine, which has left his right hand paralyzed.
According to reports given by relatives, Heeralall has been living with his grandmother ever since he was a child, and the accused, who is her son, also shares the same home when not on a fishing boat at sea.
On Wednesday night, the younger Heeralall had already retired to bed when his uncle came home, apparently drunk. Described as a man with years of experience as a sugar-cane harvester, and one who generally carries around a long, sharpened weapon, the suspect approached the sleeping lad in his bed and proceeded to inflict several stab wounds about his nephew’s body.
The lad in pain and in a sleeping stupor, apparently fell off the bed and was found bleeding on the floor by his grandmother the following morning (Thursday). According to the elderly woman, after not seeing her grandson get up to go to work, she went into the room to wake him up, but to her horror, he was lying on the floor unconscious and in a pool of blood. She summoned help and he was taken to hospital.
Meanwhile, a female relative recalled that around 01:30hrs on Thursday morning, the suspect phoned her asking for food, but she did not entertain him and hung up. She figured the act might have been committed soon after, since he was enraged after not getting the food.
After word went around about the chopping incident, the suspect is reported to have asked the owners of a fishing vessel to whisk him away on the trawler so he could escape the police, but he was again refused. Relatives say the man has had previous convictions for wounding with intent.
