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Reply to "Crime Tracker Guyana, since May 2015"

Let me add that a relative was visiting Canada and had her home cleaned out when she returned from her vacation.

Funny, she was boasting about AFC's law and order and anti corruption mantra during the election campaign. She recently posted on Facebook that Guyana is no longer a safe place since the AFC/PNC took over.

I politely reminded her that is it called Karma, she got conned and voted for the AFC and received a harsh payback. Karma never fails. Indos did not know how safe they were until the AFC/PNC donkeys and crooks showed up.

She has since expressed regret and admitted being conned.

Another relative planted huge amounts of rice in Berbice and was slo conned by the AFC. He has since sold everything and quietly moved back the Canada since the rice industry collapsed. I remembered him about Moses offering the highest price for rice to them and in the end, Granger threw Indos under the bus and these AFC/PNC idiots did nothing to secure markets to assist suffering farmers.

These AFC/PNC idiots will be kicked out unless they rig the next election. Blacks, Mixed and Natives are now feeling the BIG SQUEEZE as the economy collapses.

They are all paying for allowing themselves to be conned by the AFC.

This is just the beginning. Take a look at this thread and see for yourself who are the main victims of crime since the AFC/PNC took over.

Where is loudmouth Joey ? The AFC/PNC crooks are looting and he cannot say shyte about it. He is another Indo jackass. PNC will kick them to the curb.

Last edited by Former Member