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Carpenter found dead on Berbice public road


– Relatives suspect foul play

A 26-year-old carpenter was found dead yesterday afternoon on the No 70 Public Road.

Dead: Faiyaz Narinedatt [inset) and the clothes reportedly worn by the carpenter.

Dead: Faiyaz Narinedatt (inset) and the clothes reportedly worn by the carpenter.

Dead is Faiyaz Narinedatt, of 36 No. 70 Village, Berbice. Narinedatt reportedly left his home early yesterday morning.
According to reports reaching Kaieteur News, the victim’s lifeless body was found at approximately 15:45 hrs, with what appeared to be marks of violence about the body and head.
Kaieteur News during a visit to the dead man’s home, spoke to his grieving mother, Bibi Shakera Aziz, who told this publication that her son left home yesterday at approximately 11:35 hrs, and she saw him later in the day at a shop nearby.
The woman stated, “meh son get up and ask meh wha wrang and me seh nothing na wrang ,and he go away, but me see am later at the shop opposite me hay, and after that me nah see he back”. She stated that she received a call stating that her son ‘met with an accident’ and was dead.
Meanwhile, Chandra Datt, an uncle of the now dead man, told Kaieteur News that his nephew’s death was not caused by an accident as they were told previously by police. According to Datt, his nephew was at a party in the village where a fight broke out, he disclosed that his nephew was allegedly beaten with pickets and thrown in a nearby drain located one lot away from where the party was being held. He stated that his nephew was allegedly beaten and then dumped on the public road.
When this publication visited the area where Narinedatt was allegedly beaten, some neighbours were tight-lipped on the situation, while expressing fear if anything was said.
One neighbour stated that “they beat the man and dash he pon the road”. He stated that he heard arguing outside the house where the party was being held, but didn’t think much of it.
As the investigation continues, there are rumours that persons who were at the party, hosted by an overseas-based businessman, could be responsible for the death of the young man.
During further investigation by this publication, broken pickets were seen thrown nearby a drain located not far from the businessman’s home. A shirt allegedly belonging to Narinedatt was also discovered on the parapet nearby. However, one of the businessman’s bodyguards is claiming that the shirt belongs to him, but relatives of the dead man are denying it is, as they indicated that it was the said shirt Narinedatt left his home with.
The body of the father of two was found on the public road, located a street away from where the alleged beating took place.
Meanwhile Divisional Commander Kevin Adonis confirmed that no-one has been arrested, as investigators are still taking statements. He also divulged that they are awaiting a Post Mortem to be conducted to determine whether or not it was a murder or it was indeed an accident.
Investigations are ongoing.
