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Cricket Coach’s wife robbed at knifepoint

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Wife of current coach of the National Cricket Team Guyana Jaguars, Esuan Crandon was on Monday robbed at knife point on Sheriff Street, Georgetown.
Lestra Crandon was in the company of her two daughters when two men pounced on her as she stopped to make a purchase at a fast food outlet.
One of the men reportedly exited a car and grabbed onto the woman’s bag, while another attempted to relieve her of the keys to her car.
Although she resisted, the men made good their escape with her handbag containing a cheque worth $300,000, $140,000 in cash, debit cards, passports, mobile phones and other important documents.
In tears, the traumatised woman related that she stopped to purchase pizza for her daughter who celebrated her birthday on Monday. When she stopped, a man confronted her and held onto her bag and soon after the other joined in and attempted to relieve the car keys from her.
At the time, she noted, she was fearful for her life and that of her two daughters.
She explained that prior to the robbery, she did a bank city transaction and believes that she might have been followed by the men. “I don’t know where these guys came from… they came onto me suddenly but I tried to fight them off… one of them remain in a car and the two others were fighting with me,” she added. An alarm was raised and persons around ran to her rescue but by then the men had already taken her handbag.
However a man was subsequently arrested but has since denied his involvement in the robbery, although the woman has positively identified him. He was not found with anything in his possession, leaving detectives to suspect he handed over the bag to his accomplices. He was taken into custody and is assisting with investigations as Police launched a manhunt for the two others.
