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Chinese chef shot, robbed of cash, cell phone


A twenty-eight year old Chinese chef was shot and robbed just after midnight outside his Bonasika Street, section ‘K’ Campbellville home.
A release stated that Coa Ben Fei was shot in the upper right thigh, and is in a stable condition at a private hospital.
According to the release, Ben Fei had just exited his car and opened his gate when three men, including one armed with a handgun, accosted and relieved him of his cell phone, chain and $80,000 cash.
During that process, the armed suspect shot the chef in the thigh, before escaping with his accomplices in a dark-coloured car.
The wounded man was rushed to Woodlands Hospital. Investigators retrieved a 9mm shell at the scene. No arrests have yet been made.
Fei is the latest victim of a spate of recent brazen robberies.
Just a few days ago, an unmasked gunman walked into a Popeye’s outlet in Water Street and shot money changer Vishwahnauth Nouwbat.
Reports are that the father of one and his girlfriend were having a meal when the gunman, who reportedly had an accomplice waiting outside, approached Nouwbat and ordered him to hand over money.
The man’s girlfriend said that he refused to comply, and the gunman shot her partner to the left side abdomen.
