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Reply to "Crime Tracker Guyana, since May 2015"

Bandits rob cops at crime scene


It doesn’t get more embarrassing than this.
Two police ranks became robbery victims at around 11:55 hrs yesterday, while investigating a crime in the city.
A police release stated that the unarmed cops were preparing to retrieve video footage at a Georgetown business location, with respect to an ongoing investigation of a recent crime, when two men attacked the ranks and the proprietor.
The robbers relieved their victims of valuables which included cell phones and a wallet, before escaping on a motorcycle.
Shortly after, acting on information, ranks apprehended a male suspect on Middle Dam, East La Penitence, with a haversack containing two cell phones belonging to the proprietor, a bank card, an identification card and a wallet belonging to one of the ranks.
The other robber is still at large.
