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Reply to "Crime Tracker Guyana, since May 2015"

In Granger's Guyana, the police is now the thiefman:

Cop turns Thief! – caught in the act, tied up and beaten


By day, he was a policeman, but it appears that by night, the same rank became a professional thief.
The embarrassing state of affairs came to light at around 03.00 hrs yesterday, when a resident of Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara, heard strange noises in his unoccupied, upper flat. He reportedly also heard footsteps.
The man said that he alerted his son-in law, and after checking outside the property, the two ventured to the area from which the sounds had come.

The cop in the victim’s

“From the minute we went upstairs, a man ran under the sink,” the resident said.
The resident said that the intruder then ran to them shouting “I is a policeman, I is a policeman, I got a gun.”
He allegedly then scrambled one of the men, but they eventually subdued and tied the thief.
They then contacted ranks from the Timehri Police Station. Three ranks arrived, and it was they who confirmed that the would-be burglar was indeed a police rank, who was also stationed at Timehri.
“They were shocked,” the resident said. “I showed them where he had broken into the house.”  The detective was transported to the Timehri Police Station where he was placed in custody.
A Division Commander Clifton Hicken confirmed that the detective was in custody after being nabbed in a house.
The Commander said police will be seeking legal advice today in an effort to have the rank placed before the courts.
