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Home invader wears victim’s maternity dress


In what can be described as “strange” cases of break and enter, residents from various villages had an experience to talk about.
On Saturday night at just about 23:20 hours Mellesa Narine, a seven-months pregnant mother of a two-year old was awakened by a male figure dressed in her maternity dress with one of her blankets wrapped around his face and a cutlass to her neck.
Narine told this publication that the man was shining a flashlight in her face, with the cutlass to her neck and demanding cash and jewelry. “I see a guy with a cutlass at my neck and he was flashing a torchlight in my eye. He had on ma pregnant dress, he ask me where the money deh and I tell he I don’t have any money”.
The woman stated that she normally sleeps with her fan on so this would’ve prevented her from hearing any sounds. She related that she pushed the individual away and he slammed the door on her foot, ripping a toenail out in the process. Narine further told this publication that the man ran downstairs and escaped on her bicycle she had parked in the yard.
Upon venturing downstairs she discovered her bottom flat ransacked, her hand bag on the ground, jewelry missing and carbonated and non-carbonated drinks also missing from her refrigerator. According to her, upon checking her purse she noticed $20,000 missing from her bag, three gold chains and a gold ring. The perpetrator also escaped with her maternity dress and her bicycle.
According to the Commander of B Division, Ian Amsterdam, a medical examination was conducted on the woman after she reported that she was sexually assaulted, the results of the examination showed no indication of sexual assault.
Amsterdam stated that Narine’s husband is currently wanted by the police for rape of an eight year old so they are looking at the possibility that it might have been him who broke into the home.
Meanwhile, just a village away, the said night, at approximately 12:30 AM, an intruder attempted to break and enter Soamatti Pertab’s home. The 77-year-old pensioner who lives with her 79-year-old husband told this publication that they heard a noise at the bottom flat of their home; she stated that her husband got up and switched on the lights to scare the intruder away. This apparently was successful since he was deterred.
Pertab related that after venturing to the bottom flat she screamed for help and neighbours rushed to her assistance, but by then the man was long gone. A blanket was found at the window, an indication that it was being used to open the window. The woman stated that she is still scared for her life after such an experience.
At 11:30 PM that said night the home of Kirpaul Damar, a businessman was also the victim of break and enter. Damar told Kaieteur News that his wife got up to tend to his grandson when she noticed a bicycle parked at their gate. “My wife woke me and told me someone parked their bicycle at our gate.
“Since I was not sure, I took out my firearm and loaded it. I then waited on my bed to see who would collect the bike”. The businessman stated that after some time while on the lookout he heard the dogs barking and then he noticed someone dressed in dark clothing jumping his gate.” I saw someone jump my gate and walking at the side of the truck so I fired a shot in the air to scare him, I fired two more in the sky but he jumped on the bicycle and rode away”.
He stated that he contacted his son and went out as well to see if they would’ve possibly caught up with the intruder but they were unsuccessful.
Damar related that upon returning home he noticed his downstairs kitchen was ransacked, “I saw my place ransacked downstairs in the kitchen. When I check like the man mix tea and eat biscuits. It had apple and grapes in the fridge; he eat some too and the man gone with my two bottles of pepper sauce I had in the cupboard.”
He stated that he had approximately $4000 in his bus that was parked downstairs and was left unlocked.
No- one has since been arrested.
