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Even PNC strong hold in Sophia not immune from crime.

Woman shot in attempted home invasion


Twenty-five year-old Marieseo George of 175 Block ‘E’, South Sophia, was shot in the

The wounded arm of Marieseo George.

arm when a bandit attempted to invade her home sometime around 01:00h (1a.m.) yesterday.
The woman said she was awakened by an unusual noise coming from the back of her house and upon checking she was confronted by a man who was halfway through a window that was left open. George said that upon seeing the man she screamed. At this point the bandit pulled back.
The woman said that she quickly closed the window and went to the front of the house to see if the man, whom she described as brown-skinned and tall, had fled the premises. George said to her surprise when she peered through her front window, the brazen individual was standing just outside the window.
George said that for some unknown reason she attempted to open the door to confront the man, but thought better of the situation and did not do so. The woman said that all this time,

The smashed window from where the woman was shot.

a female friend of hers was asleep in their room.
Realizing that it was now a tall order to enter the house, the bandit whipped out what the woman described as a ‘black’ gun and smashed the glass of the front window. George said she then went into retreat mode and before long she could see the man pushing his hands through the window. He then fired one shot. The round struck George in her lower right arm.
The woman said that soon after her arm began to feel ‘numb’ and it was then that she saw blood flowing profusely from the wound.
“I start to holler thief! thief! And I ran back to the room.” The shaken woman said her screams alerted neighbours who came to her aid, and by this time the gunman had fled.
George was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital where she was treated and sent home. The police have since visited her home and statements were taken. Up to press time no one was arrested.
George’s home had been burglarized previously when she was out. Jewellery, appliances and other items were stolen. The woman believes that it is the same person that attempted to invade her home yesterday. She said that she is thankful for life, since the gunshot could have been fatal. (Brushell Blackman)
