Police accused of stealing money, gold chain in WCD raid
…Force to introduce new raid protocol
– Ramlakhan.
Dhanpaul (only name given), a businessman of Lot 45 Uitvlugt Pasture, WCD, is accusing Guyana Police Force (GPF) ranks of removing more than $300,000 in cash and jewelry from his place of business following a raid conducted by more than 20 plainclothes ranks on the premises late Friday night.
According to the businessman, at about 20:30hrs on Friday, the GPF swooped down on, and searched, his business place for approximately two hours, informing him that they were acting on information that he had drugs and guns stashed at his home and business place.
Dhanpaul owns and operates the Colombian Gold Night Club; Dhanpaul and Sons Pawn Shop; and a Cambio at the lower flat of the building, while he lives at the upper flat. On June 07, three bandits ambushed two men drinking at Dhanpaul’s club, shot one person, and escaped with an undisclosed sum of cash, licensed firearm, cell phones and jewelry. Twenty-one-year-old Jifon Gulliver was arrested and charged for the crime.
“When I come in, they say that they are searching for cocaine and guns, so I ask them who is in charge of the raid, and a short rank (name provided) said he is responsible for the search; and he said that they are going to do the search on a camera, and I did not object,” he related.
He explained that the officers went into the upper flat, and while searching his bedroom, he questioned the lack of a camera to record the search. The man said he then proceeded to switch on his security cameras, and the officers objected to this course of action.
“Whilst (searching) the house, they (officers) carry away some money (approximately $20,000) my wife give to my son to put up before they came. I picked up my money I had stashed downstairs, but a chain I wear earlier in the day was down on the lower flat and I didn’t find that chain too. That chain was 36 pennyweight and it is valued (at) over $300,000,” the father of three related.
The man said he is angry because the police would regularly target the family, and all their searches have turned up empty. He added that, in 2013, the Police conducted a similar search on his premises and more than $800,000 went missing. A report was made, but no progress has been made in the investigation. To date, there have been no headway in that matter.
Dhanpaul said that following the discovery on Friday night, made after the police had left, he travelled to the Leonora Police Station and made a report of the missing cash and items.