Policewoman hacked to death
…assailant hangs self
A 39-YEAR-OLD policewoman sergeant who lived at #30 Village, West Coast Berbice, was hacked to death in her home by a male acquaintance who committed suicide shortly after.
The dead policewoman was identified as Sgt. Kennesha Sheriff- Fraser, while her assailant who later hanged himself from a Courida tree on the Atlantic foreshore was identified as Clayton Anthony, known as Woody, also of # 30 Village. Anthony lived in the bottom flat of a two storeyed building at Lot 370 and the dead woman lived on the upper flat of the building.

Reports are that Anthony was a close acquaintance of the dead woman and her relatives and at one time lived with them in the upper flat of the building before moving to the lower flat of the building, which became vacant some time ago. Sgt Fraser, popularly known as “Tekkie”was the Deputy Supervisor of the Registry at the Central Police Station at New Amsterdam. The murder occurred around 09:00hrs and Anthony took his own life about twenty minutes later.
Shocked neighbours said yesterday that they had little or no inkling that something serious had occurred at the house. “I didn’t hear any quarreling; any raised voices. I heard her cry out once but I thought that maybe she had had some bad news and had shouted in distress,” one neighbour said.
They realised that something was amiss when they saw Anthony soaked in blood and holding a rope in his hand and running towards the northern section of the village which is close to the Atlantic Ocean. “I see he running and looking back and running and looking back and then I suspected that something was wrong,” a neighbour who was among those who made the discovery of the woman’s mutilated body said. Another neighbour disclosed that both Ms. Fraser and her attacker were alone in the house at the time; she upstairs and he downstairs, since the adults in the home had gone to work and the children had left for school.
Reasons for the savage attack baffled many neighbours. “This chap lived with this family off and on for many years; only God knows why he had do such a savage act on someone he knew.” Another source disclosed that shortly before the attack, the now dead woman had called her mother, also a policewoman to query about the whereabouts of her cellphone, since it could not be found. The mother had replied that she did not know where her cellphone was. Another source who was on hand to witness when Anthony’s body was cut down, said that when he was searched he was found to have two cellphones in his trouser pocket; one belonged to him and the other belonged to the dead woman.
Rumors about motive abounded.

The dead woman’s husband lived with her in the upper storey of the building where her murderer also lived with them before moving downstairs. “They all lived together in the upper flat of the building at one point in time, but her husband was in the bush most of the time,” she said. Another neighbour averred that the killing and suicide was premeditated, since Anthony had invited him to take a drink with him “for the last” Wednesday afternoon. “Those were his words. He said: “Well boy, come leh we take a drink for the last. He didn’t say why he said that,” the neighbour said.
Anthony was said to be a prosperous miner at one point in time but had apparently fallen on hard times, since he had been living on the coast for the longest while eking out an existence on farming and occasional construction work, one neighbour said. The man who had been married at one time was reportedly said to have violently chopped his wife while he and she lived in New Amsterdam and had been shot in the leg by police during an investigation into that offence some time ago.
Sergeant Kennesha Sheriff-Fraser leaves to mourn her three children: Rinson Rose 18, Dacuan Fraser 11 and Danara Fraser 5. The bodies are at the Anthony’s Funeral Parlour at Fort Wellington, West Coast Berbice, awaiting post-mortems