Father of six found with throat slit
A FATHER of six was discovered with his throat slit in his Lot 50, Friendship Village, East Berbice, Corentyne, home on Sunday.
The discovery was made around 07:00 hrs by one of his sons who was visiting him for the holidays.
Dead is Anand Sukhram called “Radesh” and “Halfway”, 42, a labourer, who was last seen alive by one of his brothers around 21:00 hrs on Saturday.
The family is of the view that his murder came at the hands of two known characters who live in the same village.
According to relatives, the suspects are allegedly involved in illegal activities and
“Halfway”, exposed it. Since then, the brothers have been threatening to kill him.
“Just two days ago, the suspect say he gon guh kill am and put him in he grave. A while back one of he (Anand) little son, one of the brothers cut out he ears just because them want he to do them bad work.”
According to a brother of the dead man, Allan Sukhram, 49, a sluice operator, who lives a short distance away, he was leaving for work when he recognised two known brothers “Saltfish” and “Raju” standing by a lamp post armed with a cutlass and a hunting knife.
“Them two persons get problems with meh brother, when I see them with the cutlass and Rambo knife, I back away from them and catch a car fuh go open the koker. Me didn’t think is me brother they would ah attack.”
While in the vehicle, he recalled seeing his brother walking home and asked the driver to slow down to talk to him, but the driver was in a hurry.
On Christmas Eve morning, he received the dreaded news of his brother’s death.
“When I go to the scene I see he on the bed, them cut the throat and from what I see is like them hold down he foot on the bed cause it left plait,” the grieving brother said.
The Christmas holidays for the Sukhram family have now turned into mourning and they are calling on the police for justice.
The family is also seeking the assistance of the public to offset the funeral expenses of their dear one. Persons desirous of helping can contact the family on either of these two numbers: 6870720 or 331-0746.
According to a police source, one of the suspects has been held and is helping the police to find the other.