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kp posted:
Tola posted:
kp posted:
Tola posted:

'The GPF just cannot keep up with  the volume of escalating crime' going up, down and sideways.  But at least Indians/Africans are not protesting in front of police stations and some getting shot, like they did during the previous government.  

People are getting shot everyday without protesting, During the previous government the Forces were working for the opposition, they were loaning their weapons to the criminals and receive a kick back. Indian villages had to implement their own security watch.

Was it goat man or Granger in charge of the GPF, during the previous government ? 

Disrespecting a leader does not prove your point. You very well know who was controlling the Forces, those very x-Military people that today is in government, Granger, Harmon etc.,

Who is disrespecting a leader ? Did the goat issue not come from him ?

The head  of an organization [GPF]must not  allow its employees[police] to have its own way, or they are a poor leader.

When the leader is unable to handle the situation, they seek help. Why did Jagdeo administration refused British assistance  for the GPF ? Now you blaming it on  others controlling the GPF. While the Granger government is getting assistance to improve the organization. Bhai gyan ah carna.   
