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yuji22 posted:

Shu dat is the new excuse for the PNC clowns ? They killed the economy and now they claim that it was drug money that was driving the economy ?

Why don’t you and the the rest with all of your evidence take it to the feds ? 

This is funny Shute. It reminds me of the hundreds of millions of audits that came up empty handed. 

People stopped buying BS and snake oil a long time ago. 

It is like someone calling Mars a thief man and the only evidence that they have is “dem bais seh suh”


Only a klown like you would pretend that you don't know the effect that drug trafficking has on Guyana. Look around at many other Latin American and Caribbean countries and you'll see the same phenomenon existing. Don't you think that the Feds know this already? Why do you think the DEA was trying for years to set up an office in Guyana? It's no secret that Guyana's underground economy received a huge boost from the proceeds of drug trafficking but a nincompoop like you would not understand this. Drugs also brought with it the violent crime that we see today along with guns and money laundering. And it spiraled out of control during Jagdeo's reign due to his facilitation of the drug industry and his failure to go after the drug lords with a show of force. He tried all he could to keep out the DEA and Scotland Yard just to protect the drug lords and their booming business. 

Last edited by Mars