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Django posted:
kp posted:

The USA wants to station the DEA in Guyana is a small extent to control the flow of drugs to USA, but to use the poor third world nation as a base to spy on Central and Latin America, DEA is intertwined with the FBI & CIA they serve multi purpose. I am not surprise that EXXON is used as a Front for the same purpose. Exxon is building it's own private compound with their own sophisticated security even the Guyana police can't enter.

Regarding your assumption,is that good or bad ?

Guyana is an Independent Country, we cut ties with Great Britain ,we even kicked them out of the country, I know of some that were given 48 hours to leave the country.Today, we are seeking the USA to replace the British. Just if China and USA should be at odds, Guyana will be forced to pick sides, duttie Trump loves to use that method. Massa Days will come back, the US is there to protect their interest and if possible destabilize the country when needed, using the old formula one race against another. That is happening in the Middle East.
