BS rallying support against Venezuela. What the F you have foreign affairs ministers for? There is no war pending against Venezuela but he could sell that shit to alyuh.
Hmmmm. ABC nations don't give two shits about Guyana, and can easily ignore our plight, given that we are of no importance to any one.
Maduro has 11 of the 14 independent CARICOM nations around their balls, because they owe him millions. In addition he has provided millions of dollars in GRANTS to some CARICOM nations to solve certain social problems which they have. In fact when Maduro went ti St Kitts a Guyanese living there protested against him, and the police told her to get lost, or better yet, go back to Guyana and protest there.
So continue to think that Granger doesn't need to make this a priority. Thanks to him the UN SG is visiting Guyana tomorrow, and that sends as clear a message to Maduro as any.
Maybe we should have followed Jagdeo's advice and that is to beg for forgiveness for telling the world that the piece of nonsense that Maduro is doing isn't acceptable.