after all, the comparison was with Granger's presidential salary . . . apples with apples, rite?
u see, you were prancing around making cheap PPP propaganda and got caught in your own snare . . . realizing that an honest answer wouldn't really advance alyuh narrative in the desired direction
alyuh funny no rass
So if the PPP wins the G/T mayoralty and seizes control of the City Council, you aren't going to cry.
Because this is a SLAP in the face to the mainly PNC supporters.
How come ministers get 50% pay increases, when APNU offers the impoverished workers the SAME 5% which they told the PPP was UNACCEPTABLE.
Is it that they think that ordinary cops, nurses and teachers are MORE honest than APNU/AFC ministers, so don't have to be compensated to prevent them from "tiefing all over the place".
You do APNU/AFC no good service by being a blind supporter of theirs. If a 5% pay increase for civil servants was unacceptable under the PPP, then it is unacceptable today. If APNu/AFC cannot afford to pay impoverished, and yet very important workers (teachers, nurses and cops) more than they cannot afford to increase the ministers' salaries by 50%.
A more conscionable gov't would have paid the workers 5% in good faith, announced that the ministers will not get any pay increase, and then focus in improving gov't revenues.
Look how APNU/AFC will be made to look silly by the PPP, if the PPP is smart enough to refuse their pay increase.