bannuh, where do u get the idiot idea that i am a "blind supporter" of the Gov't on this matter?
are u so constipated that u cannot grasp the subtlety of my takedown of VVP on this thread?
did u take time out to read my GNI postings on the pay raise before u brayed?
and please enlighten, if the Black citizens of Georgetown are stupid enough to vote for a racist Jagdeo in LGE, why i would "cry"
u are a rale Don Quixote/Sancho Panza rolled into one
The black citizens of G/T can stay home, as they did in 2006, thinking that it doesn't matter which gov't is in power, and therefore deciding that standing in the hot sun or the rain, waiting to vote, makes no sense.
And as you endorse APNU/AFC forcing down the same 5% pay increase as did the PPP, and then talking a FIFTY PER CENT pay increase, you must be a blind APNU/AFC supporter. Even now many others who did support them are conveying their disgust with this. IMHO this is LEGALLY SANCTIONED CORRUPTION!
In addition justifying or ignoring APNU/AFC actions because the PPP also was guilty of it smacks the faces of those who wanted the end of the PPP regime because of their corrupt behavior.
look klown, if the AFC/APNU Black and Indian citizens of Guyana are content to sit at home and hand the reins of government to Jagdeo and his gang, what business is it of mine?
i do not earn a salary or make a living by sufferance of the current or any Guyana Gov't, and i have no family whose career/living depends on GT political patronage
what's your stupid point!!?