The APNU_AFC might have shot themselves in the feet with this salary increase. They have given the PPP a political gift on a platter...similar to how Mr Jagdeo has been a gift which keeps giving to opposition. These guys are already in the Guyanese 1%. The allowances are very generous. Greed is a crazy thing. I am disappointed the President who I respect greatly has not stopped this nonsense. Gillian Tett would call it the silo effect...I see it as too much delegation. Leadership is about linking up all the silos.
Another example for my book as to how people and their ignorance/greed/inclination to quarrel are more the problem for their own survival than absence of necessary resources in the environment.
Harmon will is now branded the nasty ogre and nothing from his mouth will ever overcome the awful memory residue that he is a greedy bitch. He also has an expectation of immaculate behavior with his extolling of quality as the basis this salary increase.
One does not have to investigate the contingent of ministers to assess their competency and there are a few clearly with no history of work and below clearly par. One simply as to wait for any them to stumble and remember with unusual clarity that Harmon was their validator!
This is such a mess...plainly not what is necessary now and one hopes it is not a peek into what will come.