look klown, if the AFC/APNU Black and Indian citizens of Guyana are content to sit at home and hand the reins of government to Jagdeo and his gang, what business is it of mine?
i do not earn a salary or make a living by sufferance of the current or any Guyana Gov't, and i have no family whose career/living depends on GT political patronage
what's your stupid point!!?
Certainly fooled me by your incessant support of this gov't, even as it is determined to shoot off its own feet.
APNU/AFC made a dumb move by increasing the salaries of the ministers. No need to justify it. APNU/AFC are hypocrites, who condemned the PPP when a 5% wage increase was offered, and then they did WORSE than the PPP by offering the SAME wage increase, and then increasing THEIR OWN pay by 50%.
They then undermine their credibility by claiming that, unless they get this pay, they will steal. HOW STUPID are these people?
dude, you can fantasize to your heart's content about who i am and my motivation(s) . . . that's your prerogative as much as it is the klown nehru's
what you will not be allowed to do without being lashed is to invent 'facts' allowing u to prance about this BB pretending that you are slaying dragons
develop the habit of (at least) reading carefully before succumbing to the idiot urge to tilt at windmills while braying stupidly, convinced that you are doing god's work
just a little bit of advice . . . i suspect u want to be taken seriously