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Reply to "Damn U Admin"

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I hate to come to Shaitaan defense but I am against banning.

Chief, I like The Grand Ayatollah. However, I have seen these topics get out of hand. I think we should remove the label "banned" and replace it with "suspend".
I hope he is not suspended for too long. I think we tolerate more insults towards men than we do for women.


As an Admin, I am guilty of a low tolerance of insults to women

We live in a world where each get their dues equally so only with children should we afford a difference. This women writes her sententious crap on the internet as though she stands up for the poor and dispossessed.


She watched our amerind girls being prostituted at Mahdia and said she can do nothing.  She denied  there is a trafficking problem and commented them white people should look after their own dirty laundry as our girls are in logging kayamoos under her fat nose. The Chinese left some dozen or so including a 11 year old with child and on her watch. Who helps these poor amerind girls!


Meanwhile the sexual offenses act still sits on Romatar's desk as women are dying in unprecedented numbers in domestic violence (34 last year) and some 3000 of our girls are forced out of schools each year by some accounts as victims of pregnancies from rapes, incest and other horrible forms of predation.


She receives accolades and honorary doctorates for her good services to women and children  from dumb assed white women  academics who facilitates her provenance by their ignorance and their negligence. Those stupid women at Lesley U knows not a damn thing about us or even seem to care.


She like the rest of the PPP builds a mansion on mickeydees salary so she is a pig and needs to be called one.

When a cassava eating Buckman like you try to insult the honorable Minister you are simply confirming that you are an ignorant and illiterate man. In fact, where I come from real men dont insult women!!!

W eat cassava as you eat rotie and dhal or middle easterns pita and hummus. What has that do do with anything you ignorant fool? Who are real men again? I call that woman what she is, an incompetent bench warmer whose only qualification for the job was as Jagdeo pony and the PPP poster girl. She fits well with that lot of crooks.

You sound like a Middle Eastern or Bihar IDIOT!!!  If you have women problem limit it to yourself. The Honorable Minister is not from your neck of the woods!!!

I grew up lucky to be from a privileged family so I am sure she was not from my neck of the woods. All of us are from dalits in behar or UT so if you think they incubate idiots there I am surely spared the full burnt of the genetic defect having been mesceginated into whites and amerindians gene pool.

Last edited by Former Member