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De people want a local oil company, Soulja Bai

De people want a local oil company, Soulja Bai

Aug 30, 2017 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-company-soulja-bai/

Everybody waiting fuh de oil to come out de ground, but Guyana getting good advice from people who know about oil. Right now is two set of people dealing wid Guyana oil—ExxonMobil and de government. De two of dem got some agreement that de people want to see because dem really suspicious about ExxonMobil.

That is a company that shaft almost all dem country that it deal wid. It tie up deals wid nuff of dem government and in de end is only de government people and Exxon collect de money. De people had no say.

Now dem boys telling Soulja Bai that he got to involve de people. When Jagdeo sign de first deal wid Exxon he didn’t give a hoot about de people.

De first thing Soulja Bai got to do is set up a local oil company just like how he got a local power company. That company gun keep a check pun de other company because it got an interest in de operations. A local company is not new. Nuff countries got dem own company.

Trinidad got Petrotrin; Brazil got Petrobras and Suriname got Staatsolie.

These companies gun wuk alongside Exxon and stabilize de oil industry. It gun set up policies but more than anything, it gun offer shares in de oil industries to locals.

That is wha Soulja Bai should wuk on; give locals a share in whatever Exxon produce so that everybody can see wha happening. Nobody can say that dem ain’t know wha going on because everything gun come out at de annual general meeting.

This business is serious; is Guyana’s future. Guyanese got to protect dem children and grandchildren because de oil could run out and de country ain’t got nutten to show. Nuff people ready to invest and tek de strain off de government.

Dem boys seh Soulja Bai can’t ignore wha people recommending. Dem trying to protect dem interest and save de country at de same time.

Exxon refusing to meet wid de local media, because it don’t want to answer questions. And de people got nuff questions. Set up de local oil company, Soulja Bai.

Talk half and remember de oil is Guyana own.

Original Post