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Reply to "DE RICE INDUSTRY UNDER THE PPP....Coolieman Bread & Butter"

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

"the Millers as usual are trying to ROB the Planters"...


and apparently the govt is helping the millers by doing little to help the working people.

Aya watch the Video....

the PPP brought their Drug Friends into the Rice Industry......

Buddy Shivraj...

is now the Largest Exporter of Rice to Venezuela....


The Rice Industry got 2 Levels now....


The Producers are

(1) De Rice Farmer

(2) De Rice Miller and


the Exporters are

(1) Guyana Rice Development Board (PPP)

(2) De Shipper/Exporter (De Narco Player).


The Govt decide which miller will buy from  or allow to export thru GRDB.....

 and set them Narco friends up in business....

them mark up 30 Million US on Shipping on the Venezulia Rice Deal....

where is that money....


when de GRDB Riceman pickney get charge fuh rape de otherday....

he boast that he will buy his way out of trouble....

how much house he got in de states and Canada.....

and he gon give de lil school gal one house in Richmond Hill if she keep quiet......


In de mean while Buddy shipping Rotten Rice and Guyana nearly lose the Contract.


Them had to agree for a $60 per ton US cut on the rice.....and watch wha gon happen next.


Normally yuh can ship rice to Europe for between US$50-$60 per Ton....

and that is over 10 times the Distance and Time to Ship to Venezuela....

In this 2 way Deal (Partnership) the Narco Player is guaranteed $70-$80 per ton to go to Venezuela....and move his stuff free...YUh cannot go wrong with Jagdeo.....if yuh is De Shipper.


Watch and see who will have to Drop their price.....the Farmer will get less for his Paddy.....Jagdeo Economics.


Doerga said that the Board went on to explain that it is only now that Guyana is being paid for one of the four rice contracts signed with Panama in 2014,

“Yet they are asking millers (for this crop) to pay 95 percent of the value bought from the farmers, while the GRDB, who purchased the rice (to Panama), are yet to pay the millers.”


And these millers would have bought the Panama shipped rice from farmers on the instructions of the GRDB.

“So while the government is saying that it is the millers not paying,

it is them (PPP) who took over the market from the private sector and are not paying, so the millers cannot pay.”

He continued that millers were also urged to buy paddy, but could not export it, so some millers were left in disarray to pay farmers.”

Despite all the control and oversight, Doerga said that the GRDB announced yesterday that, “garbage” was shipped to Venezuela and representatives from that country will now be visiting Guyana to personally inspect what is sent over.
Deputy GM Ramraj told the meeting that Guyana was on the verge of not getting this year’s contract with Venezuela because of the bad quality of the commodity shipped. “Yet,” Doerga opined, “we are paying around US$5M to inspect paddy here.”


Read de whole story on the above link.


Rice farmers will get less for their Paddy....

and the will not Plant the next Crop....

PPP/Jagdeo Economics.
