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Reply to "Decade of Dictatorship?"

@Ramakant-P posted:

You never denied the inconsistencies of the PNC and from your own stinking mouth, you said you support them. Your opposition to Jagdeo stemmed from the fact that you couldn't get a job with him. You blamed him for the degrading way the PNC ran the Country from 2015 to 2020 although the man was not in power since 2011. Lowenfield and the PNC is trying to steal the election but you again are denying it but instead, you criticized the PPP for winning.

Your rambling has now degenerated into utter rubbish.  What job could Jagdeo have given me?  Where in your nasty mind did you get the idea that I wanted a job with the corrupt Jagdeo government? However, your rambling is useful as it illustrates the nasty-mindedness of PPP supporters in ascribing to anyone that doesn't see the world their way opportunistic motives. BTW, most of what you have written about me is completely false.  You just make things up and write nonsense.   
