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Reply to "Decade of Dictatorship?"

@Totaram posted:

My impression is that the nastiness is mainly from the Indian side.  Moreover, the Indians write as if they are superior to the Blacks.  For them, the Blacks can't run cake shap, dem backward and stuff like that.  They are quick to assign ulterior motives to people for their honest opinions etc.  Right here on this forum I was told that my opposition to the Jagdeo led PPP was motivated by benefits I am getting from the PNC.  And it goes on and on.  

You never denied the inconsistencies of the PNC and from your own stinking mouth, you said you support them. Your opposition to Jagdeo stemmed from the fact that you couldn't get a job with him. You blamed him for the degrading way the PNC ran the Country from 2015 to 2020 although the man was not in power since 2011. Lowenfield and the PNC is trying to steal the election but you again are denying it but instead, you criticized the PPP for winning.
