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Dem boys seh…Kak wuk mek big man cry

Dem boys seh…Kak wuk mek big man cry


Thing fuh laugh does mek big man cry. A man tek on a job to build a monument. Is nuff money so de man got to smile because as old people seh, is nice to smile all de way to de bank. People develop de habit to do kak wuk so every time dem have a job to do is kak. Dem boys seh that dem believe in de saying, “No tricks; no living.”

De monument was to done fuh last week but all de people find was a pile of bruck up concrete blocks and sand. De monument collapse.

De people who investigate report all de faults, right down to de fact that dem man dig sand from de seawall. It tun out that de sand just couldn’t wuk.

When de monument collapse is right deh de crying start. De money de contractor did intend to pocket he got to spend back. Other people now laughing.

Is de same thing happen when Jagdeo give out nuff contract to build house fuh poor people. De contractors put some kak wuk pun de people who give dem de contract. Even before de people move in de house had serious problems. People could stand inside sand see outside without looking through a window.

De difference between Jagdeo contractor is that dem get to walk way wid all de money, Dem still laughing.

Dem boys seh that everything Jagdeo put he hand pun it fail. He give dem Chinee people de contract to build de Marriott. Three years ain’t done and de government got to spend a whole heap of money to repair de place.

Is de same thing wid de Skeldon sugar factory. Again Jagdeo give out de contract to de Chinee people and again he get kak because de factory never wuk and de people gone.

Now de same Jagdeo give out de contract to extend de Timehri runway and dem boys wondering if that gun collapse as soon as de first big jet land pun it.

Talk half and hope that all de kak wuk done.

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