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Dem boys seh…Clement buy a water can fuh a water cannon

Dem boys seh…Clement buy a water can fuh a water cannon


People always know that you don’t put money in a stupid man hand. He does buy anything and people does rob he. Clement get money fuh buy a water cannon and de Chinee people know that he ain’t too smart call a price fuh de water cannon. Dem tell he US$37 million.
Just like how people does gamble and dopes holler ‘bet’ is just suh Clement holler ‘buy’. And he buy. Is only when people start fuh criticize de thing that de man decide fuh talk how he pay $37 million but de Chinee people sorry fuh he and give he back $17 million.
De water cannon park up in Eve Leary like a museum piece till dem boys start fuh criticize again. Dem tell Clement that de thing can’t drive to Linden and he show dem. He put it pun a low-bed and tow it to Linden.
Well is when de thing reach Linden that Clement realize wha dem Chinee give he. One 90-year-old lady claim how she can pee more far than de water cannon can shoot water. Dem boys laugh. When Clement hear de news he tell de police fuh put de cannon to de test. It was wuss than an old lady. It couldn’t keep in de water. A fire tender had to provide support.
When was time to shoot de old lady line up next to it. A sergeant of police holler, “Ready, steady, go” De old lady win. Is then Winston Felix tell Clement that he buy a water can.
Uncle Donald vex that Clement waste money. He seh that no no confidence motion woulda move Clement. He woulda remain a Minister  but de water can is another story.
Dem boys seh that Clement now begging dem Chinee people at Bosai fuh tek de water can and give he back some of de money. De Bosai people still laughing.
Talk half and shoot water wid de other half.

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