It's time Afro Americans found out. The Indo KKK in America and Canada smiling in the face of black politicians and pretending to be their friends and seeking favor because of minority status. High time Afro Americans found out who they really are.
You will need to position the discussion in a sound analytical framework and not silly narrative qualitative analyses. For example, the idea of statistical discrimination can be used as an analytical framework. Then go back and survey employment patterns in the state agencies and private sector since the 1970s. Also, it would be interesting to survey the ethnic composition of house lot distributions under PPP and ethnic access to NBS/commercial bank loans to make those houses. It would be very interesting to find out how many East Indians worked at the nation's premier institution, BOG, in 1992. You might want to find out if one East Indian economist existed at BOG as at Jan 1, 1992. Same for ethnic composition of ambassadors over party paramountcy, Hotye reforms and elected oligarchy. I would caution you and CaribJ not to draw a conclusive point of view from a group of ignars (Rama, Cobra, Nehru, Yuji) on this cyber rum shop.
Hear! Hear! But me bai yuji don't drink rum; he just sipping some cool aid in dis cyber rum shop.
Well my boy TK is so intelligent that not one single government sees him fit for for a Minister's position. He can now smoke that with his cyber cigar.
How meh sad...meh want wan minista wuk .
TK, I'm sure that kinda wuk was never in your thoughts. And, relatively speaking, for professionals a minister's pay is unappealing. Moses told me last week that some ministers left very lucrative jobs to serve in the Granger administration. You gotta doff your hat to those guys.
Dem bais gun mek up de difference on de leff han side.