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Reply to "Discussion on Guyana/Venezuela Border Issue"

Originally Posted by VVP:



Where have you seen that I have argued there is no Indian racism.  You are one damn liar!!  Many time I have acknowledged that there is Indian racism. I have also acknowledge that there are posters here who are Indian racist as much as YOU are an African racists.  


In your tit for tat with them your racism is clear.  Your racism is clear for denying the role of Indians in the coalition victory.  Your racism shows with your defense of the PNC because "the PPP did the same"  Your racism is clear with your statement "the Trotman faction is controlling things over the Moses faction."


Haul yuh arse fram hey!

True to form.  Seignet has been posting racism.  Any comments from you to him> NO.  Instead your focus on me.  Why?


If you do not like Indian racism then CONFRONT it, rather than confronting me when I write on it.


But here you are calling me a racist.  And why am I a racist.  Because I lambaste people like you who allow the lie to be perpetrated that Indians and the PPP have not been as racist as you claim that the PNC and Africans have been. 


You contribute to the lie of the "baad black man, good Indian" because you DO NOT CONFRONT those who raise this.  You would rather call me a racist because I REFUSE to let people get away from peddling this lie.


Thanks for making my point.  Continue to allow seignet, Jalil, Rama, cobra, and others to post racism, while you accuse me of being racist.  Yes the Indo KKK gains strength because those Indians who claim not to agree with them REFUSE TO CONFRONT THEM!



Last edited by Former Member