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Reply to "Discussion on Guyana/Venezuela Border Issue"

Originally Posted by Itaname:
that indians drive the economy and have lots of disposable income while black man lives in tenement yard, even in the US. So nothing has changed.



I have compared Jamaicans and Guyanese living in NYC, using data provided by the NYC Planning Unit.  They do not break out Guyanese by race, but one can come to some conclusions by comparing these two Caribbean groups, and by assuming that Afro Guyanese do not under perform Jamaicans.


1.  Guyanese have slightly higher household incomes, this being due to having more income earners in the home.  Jamaican and Guyanese men have similar levels of laborforce participation.  Jamaican women are more likely to work than Guyanese women.  BOTH Jamaican men and women have slightly higher wages than Guyanese of both genders.  Guyanese households are slightly larger.  Guyanese are more likely to own homes.  Guyanese are LESS likely to be self employed than are Jamaicans.


Guyanese kids are MORE likely to drop out of high school than are Jamaican kids.



2.  On the basis of this only one area can we see Guyanese significantly out stripping Jamaicans, and that is in home ownership.  The differing composition of the Indo Guyanese households are an explanation.  With a greater level of extended family (more adult income earning kids in the home) it is easier to qualify for mortgages.  Though, given the shake out of the post 2008 era, and fraudulent mortgages that Ed Ahmad, and others were responsible for, one can even debate as to whether this is a good thing.


3.  So on the basis of this one can conclude that there is NOT much difference among Indo and Afro Caribbean people, except that Indo Caribbean females tend to be less educated, more likely to be home makers, and less likely to be in the high earning occupations like RNs.  This larger due to being a less urbanized group, and also one more dominated by men.


So when these Indians run around screaming that Caribbean blacks are on welfare, lazy, etc.,they merely reveal their own racism.  With SMALLER households, and HIGHER levels of female headed households Afro Caribbean people have similar household incomes as do Indo Caribbean people.


In addition the notion of the entrepreneurial Indo Caribbean is a myth, given that Guyanese overall have low levels of self employment, and in fact LOWER than is the case of Jamaicans.


But the Indo KKK will scream their scream and the "moderate" Indians will tacitly support them by remaining silent.  They will find the time to call me a racist though.


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