Since when killing and intimidating people have degrees of acceptability.
I said Jagdeo was worse than Burnham. How does that translate to accepting the behavior of EITHER one in your idle brain, eh? But since yuh ask, read the below and answa yuh own question:
After the jail break, coolie were killed like flies. It takes a criminal to deal with criminals. No doubt Jagdeo is a criminal. And he answered back the PNC-bullets for bullets. And for a while there, he had alyuh pissing in the boots. We is bad now, just like the PNC agitators.
Iz you who write de above. Read it and answa yuh own question. Tomorrow is church, suh answa truthfully and remember what you seh as you smile nicely at black man in church tomorrow.
Yuh know, in Nigeria there is this proverb, "If a person choose to lie with dogs, he should expect to get up with fleas."
I consider my exchanges with u bruddahs as mere discussions. I could have avoided all yuhal rants. I choose to engage a discussion knowing full well your demeanor will get into the realm of very personal attacks. I know this, because I have encountered black people like u. Thank goodness, I have the commonsense let sleeping dogs lie safrie. In your particular case, I am convinced you are wrong in your concept of race relation between Indians and Blacks throughout our history in Guyana.
I maintain YOU ARE WRONG in your beliefs.
Since u r calling on God, I hope He responds to your racist baxside wid some good nightmares. Heaven knows yuh gat some bad demons in yuh. And only Holy Ghost fiah can deliver yuh.