Guyana had fools talking on their behalf. What a load of crap on the part of Greenidge and Benchop. I commented the other day, that East Indians and Amerindians must be part of the solution. Instead they had two stupid blackmen talking sh1te. The Venezuelans have a case. Forbes signed a document which spelled out how to go forward-instead the governments of Guyana run to Caricom. The PPP had their assinine approach as well.
Venezuela was an independent nation in 1899, but under political turmoil. They registered their complaint about the settlement, but Anglo American sentiment were against banana republics. Guyana assumed control of a contested border. Guyanese people had nothing to do with it-it was the British.
Guyana has to face Venezuela in the court of law. Before that is done, a symposium must lead the effort. And Granger better start looking for Amerindians and East Indians to be part of the discussion. These dam black racists need to pull their heads out of their baxside.
Just maybe, it is a divine way of teking away a country from a stupid people. These people honouring Forbes and the other camp honouring Cheddie. And dey doan worry about the living.